Respect for privacy - processing of personal data

The Company whose contact details are given on the “Contact” page of the website and the Users who communicate personal data to the latter, commit to comply with the regulations in force applicable to the processing of personal data and, in particular, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27/04/2016 (RGPD).
The Company collects and processes the identity data and contact details it receives from the Users, in particular via the contact form on the website and from any other useful contact person. The purposes for this processing are the response to questions asked by the Users, the execution of an agreement, the management of customers and their orders, accounting and direct prospecting activities, such as sending information, promotional, or commercial. The legal bases are the execution of a contract, the consent of the Users, compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and/or the legitimate interest of the Company.
The aforementioned personal data will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the general data protection regulations and will only be transmitted, unless otherwise consented by the Users, to subcontractors, recipients and/or third parties as far as necessary within the framework of the aforementioned purposes for said processing.
The Users are responsible for the accuracy and updating of the personal data that they provide to the Company and commit to strictly comply with the provisions of the general data protection regulations with regard to persons whose personal data it has transmitted, as well as concerning all possible personal data that it may receive from its own customers.
Personal data are stored and processed for a period necessary according to the purposes of the processing and the relationship (contractual or not). Users’ data will, in any case, be removed from our systems no later than December 31 of the seventh year following the collection of data or the placing of their last order, except for personal data that we are required to keep for longer on the basis of specific legislation or in the event of an ongoing dispute for which personal data is required.

By the agreement that the Users give at the time of entering or communicating the Users’ personal data, the Users consent, in addition to the processing defined above, to the collection and use of the Users’ personal data in the manner defined here below.

The Company collects personal identifying information (name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, VAT number, total number of visits to the site, number of visitors to each page of the site, domain names of Internet service providers for visitors, IP addresses, cookies).

The Users agree for their data to be used for advertising, commercial or marketing purposes and consents to receive, from the Company, information on their e-mail address (newsletter, etc.) or by post.

  • Right of access: Users have the right to ask at any time whether their data has been collected, for how long and for what purpose.
  • Right of rectification: Users have the right to request that their false or incomplete data be corrected or completed at any time or simple request.
  • Right to restriction of processing: Users may request a limitation of the processing of their data. This means that the data in question must be “marked” in our IT system and that is cannot be used for a certain period of time.
  • Right to erasure of data (‘right to be forgotten’): Subject to the exceptions provided for by law, Users have the right to demand that their data be erased.
  • Right to data probability: Users may request that their data be sent to them in a “structured, commonly used and machine-readable format”.
  • Right of complaint: Users can lodge a complaint with the data protection authority.

The Company commits to implement technical and organizational measures guaranteeing an adequate level of security to protect the confidentiality of data. The Company notifies the customer of any personal data breach of which it is aware.

The Users are informed that they can withdraw their consent at any time and exercise the aforementioned rights by means of the link button “Excerise their rights or withdraw their consent” available on the “contact” page of the website.

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