Terms of Website Use

Article 1. – General provisions – site owner’s contact details

These conditions (hereinafter "Conditions") apply to the use of all websites (also mobile sites), including elements and applications created or owned by the entity whose full contact details are included in the “contact” page (hereinafter “Company”) (hereinafter "Sites").

The term Users designates any person who accesses the Sites (hereinafter "Users").

By using the Sites, the Users fully and unconditionally accept the Conditions applicable to them and commit to comply with them.

If Users refuse the Conditions, the Users are required to refrain from any use of the Sites and/or Services.

In the event of non-compliance with the Conditions, the Company reserves the right to refuse access to the Sites without prejudice to its right to demand compensation from any third party for all direct and indirect damage likely to result of this non-respect.

The Company reserves the right to partially or fully adapt the Terms of Service at any time without prior notice.

It is, therefore, advisable to regularly consult the Conditions of Use to always be informed of the most recent version.

Article 2. – Sites Use

The Sites’ Use is, in theory, free and open to anyone. To use certain Sites, the Users must register, communicate certain data and/or create an access code and/or password.

In case of refusal by the Users, the use of relevant parts of the Sites will not be possible.

In the event of paid use of certain Sites, the Users will be informed in advance, as well as applicable conditions, prices and methods of payment.

The Company provides the Users of the Sites with a non-exclusive and non-transferable license for an indefinite period. This allow the Users to download the content of the Sites for the sole purpose of displaying it on a single computer.

This license is, however, revocable at any time without justification.

The Users can also print a copy of the Sites content, for the Users’ personal use and without any modification being made to the content.

The Sites can only be used for personal and private purposes for individuals and for exclusively internal purposes for professionals.

Consequently, any Sites use for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited.

Users commit not to take any action liable to destroy the sites or to disrupt their proper functioning.

In the event of abuse or improper use, the Company reserves the right to suspend and/or remove the Users’ access to the Sites without formal notice or warning.

Article 3. – Copyright and producer rights of a database

All copyrights, trademarks, patents, intellectual property rights and other property rights applicable to the Sites belong at all times to the Company.

The Sites and/or Services constitute both a work protected by copyright and databases in which the Company holds the copyright and the rights of the producer.

The texts, lay-out, drawings, photos, films, graphics and other elements of the Sites are protected by copyright.

The copying, adaptation, modification, translation, arrangement, public communication, rental or any other form of exploitation of all or part of the Sites, in any form whatsoever and by any means whatsoever, in particular electronic, mechanical or other, is strictly prohibited without the prior written authorization of the Company.

Any violation of these rights is liable to civil or criminal prosecution.

Article 4. – Trademarks and trade names

The names, logos and other signs used on these Sites (in particular the logos and Company names) are legally protected trademarks and/or trade names.

Any use of these or similar signs is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Company.

Article 5. - Responsibility

The Company will make every effort to ensure the proper functioning of the Sites.

Except intentional breach and/or mandatory legal provisions to the contrary, the Company declines all responsibility for any loss or damage (direct, indirect, material, immaterial, etc.) resulting from:

(1) the content of the Sites. The Company does not guarantee the accuracy, sufficiency or completeness of the information appearing on the Sites. The information available on the Sites, in particular that relating to the products and services offered for sale, is subject to change without prior notice. The Company takes the greatest care in creating, updating and maintaining the site. If the Users should nevertheless note, on the site, the presence of inaccurate or obsolete information or harmful or illegal content, or if the Users should consider that one of the Users’ rights (intellectual or other) have been violated, it is urged to report it

(2) the use that is made of the Sites

(3) Site security. This provision applies in particular to any viruses, errors or computer fraud

(4) the accessibility/ availability of the Sites. The Company does not guarantee the permanent availability, via all technical means without error or interruption, of all the functions of the Sites nor the immediate repair of errors or the immediate restoration of interruptions

The Company also has the right to refuse access to the Sites and Additional Services or to terminate them at any time and without prior warning.

The Company can in no way be held responsible for services and/or products, or their invoicing, if these are offered by third parties and accessible via the Sites, not even if the Company received compensation for this purpose, not if it ensured the invoicing of these services and/or products on behalf of third parties.

In cases where the Company’s liability is determined, its liability is limited to the sum of €100.00. The aforementioned limitations and/or exclusions of liability on the part of the Company apply insofar as they are valid under applicable law.

Article 6. - Hyperlinks

The Site may include links to other websites. Insofar as the Company cannot control these sites, it cannot be held responsible for the provisions of these sites. It cannot accept any responsibility for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these sites. In addition, the Company cannot be held responsible for any proven or alleged damage or loss resulting from or in connection with the use or with the fact of having trusted the content, goods or services available on these sites.

Article 7. – User Contribution

Users can communicate content (video, audio, text, photo material) to certain places on the Sites (hereinafter “Contributions”). Users provide the Company with the explicit authorization to reproduce these Contributions on the Sites and thus make them public via the internet, worldwide and without time limit, without being able to claim any financial or other compensation or any consideration.

Users are fully and solely responsible of the content of their Contributions and the consequences of their distribution via the Sites.

Users guarantee that they have all the rights and/ or authorizations necessary for the publication of their Contributions on the Sites as described above.

Users guarantee the Company against any complaint, claim or action by third parties or any supervisory body in connection with their Contributions.

The Company does not exercise prior control over Contributions. However, it reserves the right not to disseminate or remove from its Sites any illegal Contribution or any Contribution which it can reasonably be assumed that it infringes the rights of their parties without first notifying the Users who transmitted the content in question.

Article 8. – Jurisdiction and applicable law

Belgian law applies to the Sites and the judicial district courts of the Company’s registered office have sole jurisdiction in the event of disputes arising from the use of the Sites.

The Users are informed that they can submit a complaint on the ODR platform via the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home.show

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